Shelter and service provider
for women and children who are
victims of domestic violence

Myths and prejudices

True or False

When it comes to domestic violence, many myths and prejudices still remain. This short questionnaire will help you demystify some of them.


In a domestic violence context, homicide is not an isolated or accidental act. It is not an act of despair or a gesture of love—it is a crime. What is portrayed in the news as a crime of passion is often the culmination of a relationship of violence and domination. This is the abuser’s final attempt to gain control over his partner.

In a domestic violence context, homicide is not an isolated or accidental act. It is not an act of despair or a gesture of love—it is a crime. What is portrayed in the news as a crime of passion is often the culmination of a relationship of violence and domination. This is the abuser’s final attempt to gain control over his partner.

#1. Spousal homicide is an act of despair.


You now know more about domestic violence. If your married life is tinged with domestic violence, contact us right away.