Shelter and service provider
for women and children who are
victims of domestic violence

Myths and prejudices

True or False

When it comes to domestic violence, many myths and prejudices still remain. This short questionnaire will help you demystify some of them.


Violence is not an illness. It is a behaviour chosen by the person who exercises it to dominate and control the other. The male partner is aware of what he is doing, the actions that he takes and the threats that he makes, as he has a clear purpose in mind. All forms of violence (psychological, physical, verbal, sexual and financial) are methods for controlling your partner.

Violence is not an illness. It is a behaviour chosen by the person who exercises it to dominate and control the other. The male partner is aware of what he is doing, the actions that he takes and the threats that he makes, as he has a clear purpose in mind. All forms of violence (psychological, physical, verbal, sexual and financial) are methods for controlling your partner.

#1. Domestic violence is an illness.
